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CAS Number: 67-63-0
Molecular Formula: C3H8O
Molecular Weight: 60.10
IUPAC Name: Propan-2-ol
Other Names: 2-Propanol, Isopropanol, Rubbing alcohol, sec-Propyl alcohol, s-Propanol, iPrOH, Dimethyl carbinol, IPA
Isopropyl alcohol is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C3H8O or C3H7OH. It is a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. It is the simplest example of a secondary alcohol, where the alcohol carbon atom is attached to two other carbon atoms sometimes shown as (CH3)2CHOH. It is a structural isomer of propanol.
The vast majority of isopropyl alcohol was used as a solvent for coatings or for industrial processes. Isopropyl alcohol in particular is popular for pharmaceutical applications, presumably due to the low toxicity of any residues.
Some isopropyl alcohol is used as a chemical intermediate. Isopropyl alcohol may be converted to acetone, but the cumene process is more significant.