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CAS Number: 107-18-6
Molecular Formula: C3H6O
Molecular Weight: 58.08
IUPAC Name: 2-Propenol
Other Names: Allyl alcohol, 1-Propen-3-ol, Vinyl carbinol
Allyl alcohol (2-propenol) is an organic compound with the structural formula CH2=CHCH2OH. Like many alcohols, it is a water-soluble, colourless liquid, but it is more toxic than typical small alcohols.
Allyl alcohol is used as a raw material for the production of glycerol, but is also used as a precursor to many specialized compounds such as flame-resistant materials, drying oils, and plasticizers. Today allyl alcohol can be obtained by many methods. Allyl alcohol is the smallest representative of the allylic alcohols.